Amazing Grace
Grace Faerin Wildflower
6 lbs 6.4 oz, Home Birth/Midwife/Water Birth
My story of the birth really begins on the morning of my blessingway; A beautifully sunny fall Sunday. I awoke early, very excited for thegathering of women. I had been feeling my body moving into the last month of an already challenging pregnancy and really looked forward to sacredcircle connecting around me. I got out of bed and continued with the housecleaning we had begun the day before. Before taking a shower, Iclimbed into bed with Hanu to snuggle. We had a great morning – were feeling very close and connected. While I was in the shower the phone rang it was Will, Ember’s pertner telling me she was having the baby, and couldI come be with her. Ember was in my prenatal yoga class and her due datewas two days before mine. She had been having signs of preterm labor for amonth so it wasn’t too surprising. I had told her if her doula was out oftown and her labor began to call me; I would be her back up doula. Hersounds were loud and intense in the background. I was torn, but only for amoment….I needed to be at my blessingway today. I offered to try to find them another doula and hung up to call Garnett, who miracoulously answered her car phone and agreed to leave immediately. I hung up, feeling the perfection and Mother’s infinite sense of humorous timing. Ember giving birth on my blessing day felt very sacred. I remembered that during Zack’s blessingway, my friend Jeri had been giving birth to Morgan. The energy of birth was in the air. As the day moved on I realized I had definitely made the rightdecision, as my pelvis was in a lot of pain; I was moving around veryslow,and my energy level was not very high. The intensity of supportingsomeone at a birth was probably more than I was up for at that point anyway.Soon enough, Garnett called to tell me she was at the hospital and Ember’s baby boy had just been born before she walked in. All was well.
Women began to arrive and we had the most beautiful day. The food brought was excellent and I could feel the love in it. Our circle at the river Was powerful and nurturing. Sarmini and Karpani braided my hair, my Midwives Lily and Reddi washed my feet in flower petals, and then Corrinna And Christine, both pregnant themselves, rubbed cornmeal into them. Many wonderful verbal blessings were given as well as sacred items for thebirthing alter. Lily really honored Reddi and thier new partnership As midwives that would begin with my birth. I felt so grateful to have so Many incredible women, new mothers and babies in my life. We ate lot’s of cake and opened wonderful presents; herbals and soft organic blankets, towels, and diapers. I felt really honored. We took belly pics of me, Corrinna and Christine; mine covered in the intricate henna design Hanu had done the night before. When it was all over, Mama Palazzo stayed for dinner And cleaned the entire mess from the gathering, inside and out. Hanu and I were so grateful to her. My birthing alter had been put together on The little table in our living room and it was so amazing! I said before Bed that I almost wished I could give birth while all the flowers were Still blooming on it. I went to bed early; exhausted and blissed; never Imagining what would come next.
12:30 pm Waking up with water trickling between my legs. Feeling Very carefully for signs of anything more…but no, just the trickling. I call Lily who is not convinced yet that it is amniotic fluid and suggests sleep, and we’ll see in the morning. We talk about how early it is, and the Tricky edge of doing a home birth at only 36 weeks. After returning to bed, The trickle of water began to gently gush, and I called Reddi to come over And test it, to see if it was indeed amniotic fluid. As soon as she read The results I could see in her face that it was. I lay awake a lot of The night…wondering if it was happening, wondering where I could get A birthing tub, (as ours was not due until Wednesday); really not wanting To give up my home water birth. I knew there was a chance she could be Born with underdeveloped lungs and we would have to go to the hospital…but I felt like we could take that chance and all would be well. Water Continued to trickle steadly all night, while I felt every cell in my body, Awaiting the possibilty of contractions, which at least for the night, did not come. Early in the dawn, I realized I could get a tub from Cecily, Cindy’s midwife, in Willits. I drifted off to sleep feeling reassurred by my plan, while waiting to call her. 7am I call Cecily and get directions for Hanuto go pick up the birthing tub. We snuggle, and wonder if we are going To have a baby that day, or soon that week. We both feel good about doing It at home.
9 am Monday morning 10/11/04 I feel cramping, right as Hanu is about to walk out the door to go pick up the tub. After about 8 minutes of what I am now sure are four contractions, I tell Hanu I am in labor and he’s not going anywhere. We send our nieghbor Kelly, who is thankfully, at home, into Garberville to pick up a rubbermaid cattle trough. A phone call to Lily brings unexpected tears as the quick changeand intensity of this sudden labor catches me off guard. I tell her I want to birth at home and she says she is on her way. We call my husbands mom, Sarmini, and Reddi and they both head to our home. I move over to the rocking chair and begin to go deep inside to cope with the contractions which are very steady. I grab the phone and call Ember at the hospital to tell her I am in labor, stopping mid conversation to breathe my way through a contraction. We both can’t believe we are having our babies one day apart, almost a month before our due dates. During the rests I am laughing about it, then I am feeling the intensity building, rocking and moaning, feeling our sweet baby girl moving down, pretty much unaware of the goings on around me. Everyone has gathered and they are busy getting the tub, which Kelly has returnedwith, cleaned and filled. Sarmini has gone to Legget to get Zack out of school. I feel myself nearing transtion. It doesn’t seem possible – I know I have not been at this very long. I am talking to our baby, telling her to slow down just a little, come down very gently, give time for the water to fill. When Lily times the contractions, they have slowed to three minutes and I feel that the baby is listening to me. We are doing this together.I feel very connected with her and her journey. It is happening so fast! My son, Zack, comforts me. 11:20am Lily tells me the tub is filled and that I can get in. I know that I am close to pushing but do not getchecked or ask for guidance. I am totally within. Moving into the tub isintense, putting one leg over the high side. Once I get in, the watersoothes, but the pain is even greater having changed positions. Reddi reminds me constantly to keep my noises low, to use the sounds to bring her down. I get on all fours and begin to roar like a bear to release the energy of each contraction. I am still getting a break in between, which is different from labor with Zack, and I am so grateful. I sway my hips through the water, to help her to fit her way through. 11:45 Quite naturally my growls become pushes. Lily tells Hanu it is time to get in and he does. I begin to feel her head as it lowers and begins to bulge Into Hanu’s hand. Several pushes later, maybe seven or so, and I feel her Head joyfully release out of me. I feel powerful and don’t want to stop, Knowing it will soon be over and I will meet our baby girl, but I must blow Through a contraction while Lily checks for a cord and finds one wrapped around herneck. Gently she releases it and I give two more bear pushes and feel herbody flow out into her daddy’s hands. 12:05 pm Welcome to earth Grace Faerin Wildflower, 6 lbs 6.4 oz, 12:15pm